
In the next few #ForgottenFridays  we are delving into the archive and focusing on different varieties of uniform which was very popular with soldiers in the Second World War; this week is the Airborne Smock.

Among the specialised items of equipment issued to British airborne troops in the Second World War, perhaps the most popular with the troops themselves was the airborne smock.


The first pattern was modelled on the German parachutist’s jump jacket, which was made to be stepped into and pulled up in a pair of overalls, except that the legs were cut off just above the knee. This was replaced by the ‘Smock Denison Airborne’, designed by Major Denison.

The Denison was a camouflage-patterned, cotton, semi-waterproof garment that was put on and removed over the head like a jersey. It had a zipped collar, which opened as far down as the lower chest, knitted woollen cuffs ad four external pockets, two on the chest and two below the waist. The inside of the collar was lined with khaki flannel.


It had a tail on the back, which could be taken up between the legs and fastened by press studs inside the front skirt of the smock, this was to prevent the skirt riding up. The tail sometimes rubbed uncomfortably when the soldier wearing it was running about in the field.

A lot of the soldiers who left the tails of the skirt hanging down were often identified as ‘men with tails’. A later version of the smock had press studs on the back of the skirt too so it could be folded and attached to the back too!


The Denison Smock was worn over the standard issue battledress. It was an excellent garment and highly prized not only by airborne soldiers but also by commandos, who were issued with it in late 1944. The smock was worn under webbing equipment, small pack, and ammunition pouches. However, it was found that parachute rigging lines occasionally snagged on equipment after the parachutist had left the aircraft, causing accidents and even fatalities. This led to the introduction of a sleeveless canvas over-smock, with full-length zip, and tail, which has worn over the equipment and Denison Smock.

The over-smock had big elasticated pockets on the skirt for grenades, safer than descending with them clipped on the braces of the webbing. It was discarded after landing, and frequently the long zip was cut off and used to convert the Denison Smock to a fill-length zip garment.


The Denison Smock was popular among senior officers, including those who had no connection with airborne forces but could use their influence to obtain an item of clothing that was supposed to be confined to parachute and commando troops. Montgomery frequently wore a full-zip version with a fur collar, as did General Miles Dempsey commanding the British Second Army.

The Airborne or Denison Smock was an example of a really good piece of kit and was worn by airborne soldiers and commandos until the late 1970s.