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Certificate of discharge - Helmut Mildner - ex Eden Camp German P.O.W. No. 1 PW Transit Camp Munster-Lager
Photograph - Eden Camp military staff & officers - Approximately 1946-1947. Including Captain Turner and Captain Bowden, Northern Echo Photography
Letter containing info about POWs from Eden Camp who used to work on the local farms- including William Peacock's Espersykes farm
Information from Tom Barnes. Eden Camp Commandant 1947 Strahler. Death of POW Marshbanks-Eggerton-regional Commander. Tom took over as commandant for all local areas of POW Camps
Josef Weinling: certificate of indenture in home country of Romania, ex P.O.W. in Eden Camp and naturalised here
2 Photographs of German prisoners from Eden Camp - 1 group and 1 portrait (see also 18781 for copy) 1st photo of Andreas Ertl see 33097
Info on Eden Camp P.O.W's work in York. Steinbuck Kempa. Lionemann Wicger, Enke, Fiebig, Written by J.M Shaw, a record of his memories.
Letter from Eden Camp commandant to a C Barnes. Prisoners allowed to visit over Christmas 1947. Roth, Walter, Maemecke,Szalkowski, Plapper, Paetsch.