A first hand account of D-Day 80 years on

A first hand account of D-Day 80 years on

June 6 2024: 80th Anniversary of D-Day Read a first hand account of the trepidation surrounding the turning point of WW2. On June 6th, 1944, the Allies attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, with over 156,000 Allied forces landing on five beaches along a...
Forgotten Friday – Archive Donations: Stalag XXI-D

Forgotten Friday – Archive Donations: Stalag XXI-D

Forgotten Friday – Stalag XXI-D Artefacts! It’s #ForgottenFriday! Today, we are looking at some of the fantastic donations we received at the museum, which mention a POW camp named Stalag XXI-D. Some of the donated items include original documents belonging to...
Eden Camp Launches new nail varnish: Camouflage

Eden Camp Launches new nail varnish: Camouflage

In a hilariously unexpected twist, Eden Camp, has taken a leap into the world of beauty with its latest creation: Camouflage Nail Varnish. Perfect for those who want to blend in with their surroundings, or just want to confuse their friends, all with a single stroke...