
Forgotten Friday – Dog Tags

Forgotten Friday – The History of Military Dog Tags. Its Friday! Which means its #ForgottenFriday.. Today we are delving into the history of dog tags! Did you know… The idea of an embalming tag was proven to be the reason dog tags were invented? Read more below...

Forgotten Friday – Gas Masks

#ForgottenFriday – Gas Masks Gas played a major role in WWI, meaning that in 1939 a lot of men carried the horrible memories of the horrors of a gas attack in which they suffered not many years prior. Some were even blinded by gas such as mustard or chlorine gas....

Forgotten Friday – Beer in Wartime

Forgotten Friday – Beer in Wartime   ‘Beer is Best. It makes for contented workers, friendliness and tolerance, as the Government found in the last war. Above all – beer makes for British cheerfulness, which is undefeated.’ This was the slogan for one of...